Cached Exchange Mode Settings For Outlook on PC - Having More Than One Year of Email downloaded

- Open Outlook if it is not open already. In Outlook, Click on File, then the Account Settings button, and then the Account Settings option once more. - Click on the Change button. - Ensure that “Use Cached Exchange Mode” is enabled and set to download All past email - Click Next, Click Done, Click Close. Restart Outlook.

Email Migration Steps

What’s happening this weekend? This document is intended to guide you through accessing your email after the migration. This includes access via Outlook, mobile devices and via any web browser. Links to detailed instructions – with screen shots - are included within each Step below. This weekend, your email will move from JHUP servers to the Microsoft Cloud and you will have a new email address, which is your The migration will begin at 6pm on Friday, October 9 and should be co...

Cancelling or Modifying Legacy Calendar Items

For calendar items that existed prior to the mail migration, you will encounter issues modifying or cancelling meetings with multiple invitees. This occurs for items that were created by an old Press address and may result in you getting a bounce back message stating that you do not have permission to modify the item (because you are no longer using your old press address). If you need to modify or cancel a meeting that was created by an old press address, please do the following: - Send o...

JHUP Mail Migration FAQ

Why are we doing this Email Migration? Our current email system is housed on aging servers at the Press. To take advantage of the scale and performance available to us in the University’s technology environment, our email will be “migrated” to a new platform. This is one project in a series of projects that will be coming soon. An overview can be found at , and the current time line line at

Resetting Your JHED Account

If you encounter any issues with logging into either webmail ( ), Outlook, or any other JHEDID@JH.EDU (mailto:JHEDID@JH.EDU) related resource, please refer to the steps listed. Please also note that JHED logins and password are managed by Campus IT. Press IT staff cannot unlock your JHED account or reset your JHED password. - If you do not know your JHED username call the campus Help Desk at 410-516-4357 and ask for assistance with recovering your JHED ID. - If you do...

How to Add Additional Mailboxes to Outlook

(Please note that these instructions were created on a Windows 10 PC with Office 365. While all settings and steps should remain largely the same, there may be minor deviations on Windows 7 and/or Office 2016) Instructions for Mac users are at the bottom of this page. - In Outlook, Click on File, then the Account Settings button, and then the Account Settings option once more. - Click on the Change button. - Ensure that “Use Cached Exchange Mode” is enabled and set to download All past em...

How to Document Quick Steps

To document current Quick Steps in Outlook, on the Home Tab click the "more" button in the Quick Steps Group and select Manage Quick Steps: Select a Quick Step and click Edit. Either take a screen shot and save to Word, or write down the details. Be sure to click "Show Options" and take note of any Text that you need.

Authentication to Office 365, Outlook and Azure MFA (Multifactor Authentication)

Authentication to Office 365 and Outlook The sign-in format to access any Microsoft Online service is going to be: ( Below is an example of a Microsoft modernized authentication window when attempting to access to an Exchange Online mailbox. If MFA is required, you may see another authentication prompt after attempting to sign-in. Below is an example of a legacy authentication prompt that you may notice as well. This authentication prompt is in the process o...

Adding Mail Profiles for Office 365

- Open Outlook. - Click on File -> Account Settings -> Manage Profiles 3. Click on Show Profiles 4. Click Add… -> Name the new profile (ex: O365) -> Click OK 5. Change the email address to your new JHED address (ex: and enter your JHED password. 6. Click Next, wait for “Congratulations” message, click Finish. 7. In the Mail window with the profiles, select “Always use this profile” and select the new profile name from the dropdown. Click OK....

Adding Mail Profiles to Outlook 2016

PLEASE NOTE: the below instructions are for Office 2016. If you have Office 365, please follow these instructions ( - Navigate to the Control Panel (click the Windows button and type Control Panel). - Click View by: Small icons 3. Click on the Mail (32-bit) - NOTE, this may also say Mail (Microsoft Outlook 2016) 4. Click the Show Profiles button - Click on Add… - Type in a New Profile nam...

Adding Outlook Mail Profile for Mac 2016, 2019, Office 365

- Select Outlook > Preferences > Account. - Click the plus (+) sign > New Account. - Type your email address > Continue. Example: - Type your password > Add Account. (Your screen might look different from this one depending on the account you're adding.) - Select Done to start using Outlook 2016 for Mac. Authentication Experience The sign-in format to access any Microsoft Online service is going to be: JHED@...

Configure Outlook for iPhone and Android Devices

Documentation can be found at here ( to setup the Outlook Client for iPhones and Android devices. If you want to use the native iPhone mail client, documentation can be found at here (

How to Change Your Display Name

To change the display name that appears when you send an email (not the email address, but the full name displayed): - Log in to myJHU - Click your name in the upper right of the screen and select MY PROFILE - Scroll to Preferred Full Name field and add the name that you would like email recipients to see - To the right of that field, select the Context from the DropDown (World, Hopkins or My Contacts) - Click the Save myProfile button at the bottom Please note this change may t...

Creating an Email Alias

If you would prefer to have a different email address than your (, you can create an Alias. This will “mask” your JHEDID with the alias that you create. Aliases cannot be created with extension – they can only be created with @jhu extensions. Please follow this link for instructions on how to create an alias -> Please note that email sent to any of your ailiases will show up in your in...

Register in Live Agent

1) Click the Register Button 2) Enter the email address that you used to submit your ticket to Live Agent, your name, and then click Register. 3) When you press Register, if the submission is successful you will receive the message pictured below And you will receive an email that will allow you to set your password and login by following the link in the email. Click the link to be redirected to the page to setup your password, or copy and paste the URL into your browser. ...

How to Export Outlook Email Rules

Please note that these instructions apply to Windows users only. Exporting Rules is not available from the Mac version of Outlook. Similar to Quick Steps (, you will need to document your Rules and re-create them after the migration. Export Rules Follow these steps to export your rules to a file: 1. Do one of the following: - On the File tab, in the Info view, click the Manage Rules & Alerts button: OR ...

How to Import Outlook Email Rules

Import Rules Follow these steps to import message rules from a file: 1. Open Rules And Alerts... dialog box. 2. In the Rules And Alerts dialog box, click the Options button. 3. Click Import Rules..., and then select a path for the file in the resulting Import Rules from dialog box (a standard file/save dialog box): 4. Click Open.

How To Create Signatures In Microsoft Outlook

To create a Signature in Outlook, see this Video Tutorial ( Detailed instructions can be found here (

Setup an Automatic Out Of Office Reply

Set up an automatic reply - Select File > Automatic Replies. - In the Automatic Replies box, select Send automatic replies. Optionally, set a date range for your automatic replies. This will turn off automatic replies at the date and time you enter for the end time. Otherwise, you'll need to turn off automatic replies manually. - On the Inside My Organization tab, type the response that you want to send to teammates or colleagues while you are out of the office. Note: ...

! Attention Windows 10 Office 2016 Users !

Hello Everyone, If your Press computer is a Windows 10 PC, and you are using Office 2016, it is highly recommended you follow the steps outlined in the attached document this week. Please perform the settings check and updates on your Press computer that you intend to access Outlook from (be that your laptop or a remote desktop). Be aware that you may have quite a few updates available, so be sure to allow yourself some time for the updates to complete. These steps will ensure your Off...